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We engage community to make change happen in education.

The Success Partnership

The SUCCESS Partnership is an educational initiative founded in 2013. It is a diverse group of over 100 cross-sector organizations and individuals comprised of parents, education professionals, nonprofit organizations, businesses, faith-based organizations, regional partners, and community leaders who are committed to improving education in Doña Ana County. The collaboration serves to achieve improved outcomes in education from prenatal to career.

The partnership is supported by Ngage New Mexico. As the primary support organization, Ngage NM assists with event planning, outreach, facilitation, evaluation, and overall coordination of the partnership.

The Doña Ana County Early Childhood Education (ECE) Coalition and the Children’s Museum Committee are two groups within our education initiative.

The Doña Ana County Early Childhood Education (ECE) Coalition

Our Doña Ana County Early Childhood Education Coalition (ECE) collaborates to restructure our education system. The ECE Coalition was established in 2014. This special group leads the way to providing easy access to quality childcare services for children, ages 0-8. Our education professionals have developed a county-wide early childhood education plan.

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The Children’s Museum Committee

The Children’s Museum Committee is a dedicated group of individuals who are creating the first early childhood museum in Doña Ana County. They envision parents to have accessible information to learn all about Early Childhood Education regional programs and to establish a parent resource center.

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